PSALM 34:8
We’re in the third week of our series, PRAY SIMPLY/SIMPLY PRAY. We’re looking at this simple, sample prayer, from Max Lucado’s book, BEFORE AMEN, as a guide for this series. It’s called THE POCKET PRAYER. I invite you to pray it along with me:
Each week, as we unpack more of The Pocket Prayer, I hope you will realize that prayer does not have to be complicated. That you can pray simply so that you will simply pray and discover the power of a simple prayer.
Last week, we looked at the greeting in the Pocket Prayer, the same greeting in The Lord’s Prayer: FATHER. We learned that God is our Father whom we can approach in the same manner that a child does their Daddy.
Today, we are going to look at the second phrase, “You Are Good.” “Father, you are Good.”
Last week I recited a common childhood prayer that, by the nodding of heads as I recited it, many of you learned as a child. It was the very first prayer I ever learned. The childhood prayer of grace: “God is great God is good. Let us thank him for our food. By his hands we must be fed. Give us Lord our daily bread Amen.”
That childhood prayer did more for me than teach me to say grace at the dinner table. It also reinforced in my heart and mind, that God is both great and good. That God is a good God.
God’s goodness is a major headline in the Bible. The Psalms declare the goodness of God: “You are good, Lord.” “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever.” “The Lord is good to all, he has compassion on all he has made.”
Jesus said-“No one is good except God alone.” There are at least 65 verses in the Bible on the goodness of God. Probably more.
The Bible makes a big deal out of the goodness of God. Is God’s goodness a major headline in your heart and life?
The magnificent goodness of God is transformational. Even a glimpse of the Lord’s goodness changes us. When we realize that God is good and that he is good to us, that realization should inspire us to pray…to pray simply….to simply pray.
This morning, I want to share with you, three aspects of God’s goodness that should motivate us to pray. Here is the first one…….
Do you imagine God being great and majestic?
An author by the name of J. B. Phillips wrote a book entitled, YOUR GOD IS TOO SMALL. In the book, Mr. Phillips encourages us to redefine our Creator without labels or earthly constraints.
Is your concept of God too small? Have you tried to put God into a nice, neat little box where your concept of God does not exceed the limits of your understanding or expectations of how you want God to be? If you think that you’ve got God all figured out, then your god is too small and you’re not worshipping the God of the Bible. God Himself said that his thoughts are beyond our comprehension.
Max Lucado wrote: “Most people suffer from small thoughts about God. In an effort to see him as our friend, we have lost his immensity. In our desire to understand him, we have sought to contain him. The God of the Bible cannot be contained. He brought order out of chaos and created creation.”
We need to recapture the concept of the majesty of God and be captivated by it. We need to be stunned and amazed by the greatness of God.
One aspect of God’s majesty is his goodness. God is great in his goodness. Psalm 25:8 states: “Good and upright is the Lord.” The original definition of goodness is the concept of godliness. God is good in his godliness. James 1:13 reflects this:
“When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone.” – James 1:13
God’s heart is unblemished. There is nothing deceitful about Him. God has no hidden agendas nor selfish motives. God is 100% total, unadulterated purity. The Bible states that Jesus was tempted in every way that we are, yet he did not sin!
God has never compromised his values ever. He has never been unjust or unfair.
God is never bad. He never has an off day. He is always on top of his game. He is that good. Always. No exceptions. God is exceptional in his goodness.
We should bow down before his goodness and worship him. And, because God is good, we can pray to him, because he is good to us.
A W TOZER wrote: “The goodness of God is that which disposes him to be kind, cordial, benevolent and full of goodwill toward men. He is tenderhearted and of quick sympathy. His unfailing attitude toward all mortal beings is open, frank, and friendly. By his nature he is inclined to bestow blessedness and he takes holy pleasure in the health and hope of his people.”
Jesus taught that our good God gives us good gifts: MATTHEW 7:7-11
Even though you may have or did have good parents, they weren’t perfect. And yet they gave you good gifts, didn’t they? At birthdays, at Christmas, and at other times of the year. Even though none of us who are parents are perfect parents, I am sure that we all have given good gifts to our children.
Jesus’ point is that even though, by comparison to God, we are evil, and yet know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more will our good Father in heaven give good gifts to us? James wrote:
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
-James 1:17
What are some of the good gifts that God gives us? There are the gifts that theologians call common graces that all mankind experience. Jesus said that God causes the sun to shine and the rain to fall on both the righteous and the unrighteous.
This morning, when the sun rose, it is still the same distance from the earth, keeping us from frying or freezing. Every day we can feel the warmth of the sun, breathe in air, and enjoy the spectacular display of stars in the night sky. Common gifts from God that we all take for granted.
I only drink coffee on days that end in Y. But on those days, I enjoy both the aroma and taste of a good cup of BLACK coffee. Common, simple, everyday gifts.
But God gives more good gifts. He blesses our lives in any number of ways. He brings healing to our bodies and comfort to our souls. He provides for our needs. He fills us with joy and peace. He forgives our sins and gives us the indescribable gift of salvation.
And Jesus said that all we have to do is ask for God’s gifts. All we have to do is simply pray. And as we reflect upon the goodness of God, we can offer a prayer of praise: “Father, you are good. Good enough to love me and care for me.”
A second aspect of God’s goodness is his power…..
How powerful is God? With a word, God spoke this world into existence. He formed Adam out of dust and Eve from Adam’s rib. Jesus gave the command and the winds and waves obeyed him. Jesus called out to Lazarus and Lazarus walked out of his tomb. With an arch of God’s eyebrow, a million angels pivot and salute.
God consults no committee and seeks no counsel. God reports to no one and requires no assistance. God has no questions, second thoughts, or self-doubts.
God is self-existing, self-sustaining, and self-satisfying. He has no needs that anyone else must fulfill.
God is more powerful than anyone. Listen to The Lord God Almighty’s decree from Isaiah 46:9:
“I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.”
-Isaiah 46:9
God is more powerful than all the false gods of this world. He is mightier than all the monarchs who have ever ruled or will rule. Their crowns are papier-mache compared to his.
Earthly monarchs have gone the way of the grave. Alexander the Great is a mound of dust in a tomb. Queen Elizabeth was the only monarch most British people had every known. She reigned on England’s throne for 70 years. But her 7 decades long monarchy came to an end with her death on 8th of September 2022.
God is enthroned from everlasting to everlasting. He has always been God and always will be God. His power and his might is unsurpassed. God’s unrivaled goodness undergirds our confidence as we pray.
If God is like us, only slightly stronger than us, why pray to a God like that? If God grows weary, why pray to him if he is sleeping? If our God is a God with limitations, questions, and hesitations, then we might as well pray to the Wizard of Oz. But, since God is our Father and he is all-powerful, then we are only one prayer away from help. Hebrews 1:3 says about Christ:
“He sustains everything by the mighty power of his command.” -Heb. 1:3
Here is the good thing about God’s power. He not only has authority over the world. He also has authority over your world. God is never surprised about what happens to you. God never utters the words- “How did that happen? I never saw that coming.”
Now, our world is not always good. There are uncontrollable wildfires in California. This past week, there was an earthquake in the greater Richmond area. Hurricane Helene devastated Western North Carolina.
But God is still on his throne.
This world is not always good. And your life is not always good. Your health may not be good. But God is still good. Your budget may not stretch as far as you need, but God is still good. God is still in control when our world is out of control. We can take comfort in that. And he is the God who promises to bring good out of bad. And we can find hope in that.
Let’s say you’re going on a trip. And you’re traveling by plane. As you board the plane, you hear a familiar voice greet you by name. You look up and its your friend Bob. He’s a good friend. And he just happens to be the pilot flying the airplane that day.
Whereas you might have been somewhat apprehensive about flying before, you now are more confident. Why, because your friend Bob, is a good pilot. He flew numerous missions when he was in the Air Force. He’s logged thousands of miles as a commercial pilot. You know he’s faced every type of airborne crisis from electrical storms to empty fuel tanks. Your friend is a good pilot. You know you’re in good hands.
During the flight, your plane encounters pockets of turbulence. You fly through a storm. The ride gets rather choppy. People gasp. The flight attendant comes by and tells you to make sure your seat belt is fastened.
Might you be concerned? Yes. Afraid? Not really? Why? Because you know the pilot. He’s a good pilot and he ends up getting you safely to your destination.
Friends, we live in a stormy world. Some days bring their share of turbulence. The economy is bad. You live in an aging body. There is violence in our streets.
But do you have a good pilot? Yes you do. He’s your heavenly Father and he will get your through the storm.
Might I make a suggestion? Before you face the world each day, face your Father in prayer.
Here’s how your day might have normally begun. It’s a Monday morning. The alarm clock startles you out of bed. You groan, roll over, and sit up. In the old days, you would have made your coffee, turned on the news and began your day with a briefing on the toxic problems in the world.
But, now you begin your day differently. You start out your day by turning to God. You turn to the Pocket Prayer. Still half asleep you sip your coffee and take a seat in your favorite chair.
As your body awakens, your mind becomes alert to God. And so you begin to pray a simple prayer:
“Father, you are good. Your heart is good. Your ways are right. The weather is bad, the economy is bad, and my health is not so good. I’ve got a tough day ahead. But Father, you are good, in good times and bad. I’m gonna lean on you today.”
Don’t underestimate the power of this moment. You just opened the door of your heart and life and invited God to enter it.
Is the world different because you prayed? No, probably not. Wars still rage. Traffic still backs up. And prices continue to climb.
Is your personal world any different? Maybe. Hopefully. A blessing comes your way. You get an answer to your prayer.
But even if your life is no different, you are different. Because you leaned into God, you are filled with peace. Your stress level melts away like an ice cube on a hot July sidewalk. Why? You’ve spent time with the Pilot. And the Pilot is up to the task. He is mighty and he is good. And he uses his might for your good, somehow, someway. And you are the better for it.
Let’s look at the third aspect of God’s goodness. I’ve saved the best for last:
Psalm 86:5 declares:
“You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you.” -Psalm 86:5
God is good in his forgiveness. Even though Adam and Eve broke God’s trust and wounded his heart, he did not abandon them. Instead, he clothed them with animal skins and watched over them.
God destroyed the world with a flood and wiped mankind off the face of the earth because of their wickedness. He did, however, spare Noah and his family.
Now, if God is so good, why did he destroy the world? My response is his grace. It’s amazing that God spared anyone. But God gave the human race a second chance through Noah.
Jesus washed the feet of the disciple who would betray him, the disciple who would deny him, and all the disciples who ended up abandoning him at the cross.
To the thief who pleaded for last minute grace, Jesus promised him-“Today, you will be with me in Paradise.”
God is extremely good in his forgiveness. And he is good in his forgiveness of us. PSALM 103 tells us just how good God’s forgiveness is.
READ PSALM 103:1-3A; 8-12
God forgives all our sin. Not some of our sin. Not most of our sin. Every sin. He does not treat us as our sins deserve. That’s a good thing. Because the Bible says, “the wages of sin is death” and that ‘s talking about hell.
God removes our sins from us as far as the east is from the west. Quick geography lesson. East and west never meet. There is a North Pole and a South Pole. But there is no east pole and no west pole. It’s God’s illustration that he will take our sins away and we never have to face them again.
The human tendency is to define people by their worst moments in life. It was a Friday night. I was watching a program on NBC. Tom Brokaw interrupted my regularly scheduled program with the news that former President Richard Nixon had died. The next hour or so NBC’S special report on the life, presidency and death of the 37th president of the United States focused mainly on one event: Watergate and Nixon’s role in the coverup.
The human tendency is to remember people’s sins. God’s divine response to our sins, when we are saved through Christ, is to remember our sins and lawless deeds no more. I John 1:9 promises:
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” – 1 John 1:9
God’s forgiveness is that good. We don’t have to live with the guilt and shame of our sin. All we have to do is simply pray- “Father, forgive me.”
Pray simply. Simply pray. Let the conversation begin.