We have children’s classes for your children who are age 3 through kindergarten.  Our greeters can show you where your child’s classroom is located.


If you have children who are first through fifth graders, they will go to the worship center with you for the music portion of the worship service. They are then dismissed to the back of the sanctuary where they will be escorted by our Children’s Church leader and helpers to the “His Kids” room, located immediately off the entryway for Children’s Church where they will have a fun time learning about Jesus.

Contact Us

Lebanon Christian Church

409 Yorktown Road


Newport News (Lee Hall), VA 23603


Phone: 757 887-5536



CCS #8003


Graded Classes
Nursery - High School
Sunday 9:30 AM
Adult Bible Fellowships Sunday 9:30 AM
Morning Worship Service Sunday 10:45 AM
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