
Here's a summary of the document:

The document discusses the theme of healing through faith, focusing on biblical references and personal anecdotes to illustrate different ways God heals.

  • Jesus' Healing Ministry: Jesus' ministry involved healing the sick, casting out demons, and raising the dead, which garnered him a significant following.
  • Encounter with Two Blind Men: Two blind men cried out to Jesus for mercy during a festive crowd, and despite being told to be quiet, Jesus asked what they wanted and healed them instantly.
  • Personal Struggles with Illness: The document shares a daughter's account of her father's battle with ALS, highlighting the emotional and physical toll of the disease.
  • Faith Amidst Illness: The family of the ALS patient found comfort in scriptures, balancing their faith with their grief.
  • Understanding Sickness: The document explains that sickness entered the world through sin and the Fall, disrupting the original harmony of creation.
  • God's Healing Promises: It discusses God's desire for wholeness and healing, citing biblical promises and the complexity of understanding why healing doesn't always happen as expected.
  • Different Ways God Heals: God may heal instantly, gradually, or ultimately, with examples from the Bible and personal testimonies illustrating these different methods.
  • Ultimate Healing: The document concludes with the assurance of ultimate healing in the resurrection, where believers will receive new, perfect bodies.

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409 Yorktown Road


Newport News (Lee Hall), VA 23603


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CCS #8003


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